Arrange an individual or private cremation for your pet through your veterinarian or local Gateway provider. Remains from previously cremated pets are also welcome. You can choose to include all or some of your pet’s cremated remains to be put into the memorial. Alternatively, we can build and dedicate Memorial Reefs to honor pets without containing their cremated remains.
Select and order your pet’s Memorial Reef at the bottom of this webpage. Pet Reefs
are an ecological way to memorialize your pet. Send your pet’s cremated remains to Memorial Reefs International. See our
shipping instructions for more information on how to ship cremated remains. When we receive your pet’s cremated remains, we will use them to build a Memorial Reef Ball using specialized concrete rated to last over 500 years.
When we receive your pet’s cremated remains, we'll build them a Memorial Reef Ball using specialized concrete rated to last over 500 years.
Your pet’s Memorial Reef is then taken by boat to the site where it will become a home for abundant marine life. The textured surface attracts coral polyps, and the hollow interior provides shelter for fish, octopus, lobster, mussels, and anemones. Once we have placed your pet’s Memorial Reef in our undersea garden, we will send you the specified documents and photos confirming the placement of your pet’s memorial and any keepsake items you may have ordered.